[21:07] *** Topic is 'Welcome to BSRF's official channel! | Web: http://blacksun.box.sk | Check blacksun.box.sk/irc.html for details about the coming lecture!'
[21:07] *** Set by Raven on Thu Jun 08 21:12:24
[21:07] -ChanServ- Welcome to BSRF's official channel! | Web: http://blacksun.box.sk | Check blacksun.box.sk/irc.html for details about the coming lecture!
[21:07] <Mind_Booster> Hi again ppl!
[21:37] <Mind_Booster> 50 Fun Things to Do in an Elevator #23. Show other passengers a wound and ask if it looks infected.
<Mikkkeee> you will understand if your from britain
<Min_spy> have u all seen the new car from ford it is called the pubic cos it is made from old corsairs ;-)
<snider> im outta here
<Min_spy> bye snider
<moo> heehee
<BigFish> you best be gone
<DigitalFallout> Cya snider
<snider> haha
<Sorcerer> Min_spy, Stupid Criminal Hall of Shame - England: A German "tourist," supposedly on a golf holiday, shows up at customs with his golf bag. While making idle chatter about golf, the customs official realizes that the tourist does not know what a "handicap" is. The customs official asks the tourist to demonstrate his swing, which he does--backward! A substantial amount of narcotics was found in the golf bag.
<snider> fish, relax will ya
<Min_spy> ;-)
<snider> fish, www.krank.dk/jpg/6.jpg
[21:39] *** Joins: Air (~irc@ras3-p92.hfa.netvision.net.il)
<Sorcerer> Min_spy, 101 Ways to annoy people - Instead of Gallo, serve Night Train next Thanksgiving.
<DigitalFallout> I am getting close to considering leaving
<snider> have fun :)
<DigitalFallout> DUDE!!!
[21:39] *** Air is now known as Air_Farce_I
<DigitalFallout> That is the "sick" pic
<snider> hehehe
<Air_Farce_I> uhhm yup
<snider> i know
<Air_Farce_I> what sick pic?
<snider> saa ya
<DigitalFallout> Cya
[21:40] *** Quits: snider (snider@dialin-109-105.mobilixnet.dk) (killed by mr IRCop)
<Air_Farce_I> when did u last see tcg speak?
<BigFish> that is really sick
<Sorcerer> Min_spy, Newspaper Headline Goofs - * Man is fatally slain
<Jobber-d> has neone ever been to darpa.org?
<Air_Farce_I> could i have the url for that pic?
[21:40] <Mind_Booster> 50 Fun Things to Do in an Elevator #31. Wear a puppet on your hand and talk to other passengers "through" it.
<Air_Farce_I> ooh yeah i love that list!
<Sorcerer> Min_spy, What does a blonde say after finding out she's pregnant? - Gee, I hope it's mine.
<Air_Farce_I> it's the funniest i've ever seen
<DigitalFallout> www.krank.dk/jpg/6.jpg
<BigFish> I cant believe people get aroused with that picture
<Air_Farce_I> awesome, i'll have a look
<Jobber-d> EW!!!!!!
<Min_spy> hahaha Sorcerer
<DigitalFallout> In one word what do you think about that pic?
<Jobber-d> disgustifying!
<Min_spy> what do u call a load of blondes stanind ear to ear? a windtunnel
<Air_Farce_I> oh my GOD!!
<DigitalFallout> That is old
<Sorcerer> Min_spy, What did the blonde say when asked if she wanted to be a Jehovah Witness? - Gee, I didn't even see the accident.
<Sorcerer> Min_spy, Why Chocolate is better than Sex - Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft.
<DigitalFallout> Ok I am going to stay on but not on the comp. I hope he shows up
[21:48] *** DigitalFallout is now known as DF-Away
[21:48] * Mind_Booster If you wanna hear some GREAT musik, go to my RaDiO StAtIoN... Use WinAmp, press CTRL+L, and type ... Now it's playing Marilyn Manson!!!
[21:48] <Mind_Booster> 50 Fun Things to Do in an Elevator #18. When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: "Oh, not now, damn motion sickness!"
<moo> http://www.krank.dk/cows/ <---- what the hell is all that about??
<Sorcerer> Min_spy, Did you hear about the homosexual electron? Went around blowing fuses.
[21:49] <Mind_Booster> 50 Fun Things to Do in an Elevator #6. On a long ride, sway side to side at the natural frequency of the elevator.
[21:49] *** Quits: MANOWAR^ (VaLhAlLa@ (Welcome Your NightMare Here. There Is Nothing Like ...And Justice For All Only: Kill'Em All. Yes Yes I Know Sad But True)
<Min_spy> is it possible to serverside nuke on icq servers
[21:53] <Mind_Booster> You might be a redneck if Your coffee table used to be a telephone cable spool.
<moo> ...cows...
<Min_spy> i keep tryin but cant knock ne1 off
<parannoyed> shit, i'm so sleepy...i think i better go b4 i....
[21:54] <Mind_Booster> oh shit, why cows?
<parannoyed> fdosijvew 34289v jt3v wjas
<parannoyed> sleep on the keyboard
<parannoyed> oops
<Min_spy> laters parannoyed
[21:54] <Mind_Booster> tambΘm sei teclar numa lφngua que tu nπo percebes!
<Jobber-d> lol parannoyed
[21:54] * Mind_Booster If you wanna hear some GREAT musik, go to my RaDiO StAtIoN... Use WinAmp, press CTRL+L, and type ... Now it's playing Ministry!!!
<Min_spy> les sanglots longs des violons de l'automene blessent mon coeur d'une langueur monotone
<Air_Farce_I> raven says he needs people to log the lecture
<Air_Farce_I> we need five people
[21:58] <Mind_Booster> Air Force, u're RAVEN?
<Air_Farce_I> nope
[21:58] <Mind_Booster> I'm one of those 5!
<parannoyed> i've been logging this chan
<Air_Farce_I> alright, 1 down, 4 to go!
[21:58] * RedShadow has logged everything ever on IRC
<Air_Farce_I> 3 to go
<moo> ok count me in
<Air_Farce_I> 2
<Air_Farce_I> 1
<Air_Farce_I> one more!
<Air_Farce_I> come on come on come on
[21:59] <Mind_Booster> air force, u're the one!
[21:59] <Mind_Booster> I minute to go
[21:59] * Mind_Booster If you wanna hear some GREAT musik, go to my RaDiO StAtIoN... Use WinAmp, press CTRL+L, and type ... Now it's playing KoRn!!!
[21:59] * Min_spy counts down
<moo> now isn't this exciting
<Air_Farce_I> alright, more loggers, just for the sake of it
[22:02] -ChanServ:#bsrf- OP command used for Raven by Raven
<Jobber-d> bah-ba-da-da!
<DF-Away> Hey raven!
<@Raven> yup
<parannoyed> okay...yay!
<@Raven> hellooooooo everybody!
<pr0gmAn> hey
<@Raven> :-)
<Jobber-d> sup!
[22:02] <Mind_Booster> 3
[22:02] <Mind_Booster> 2
[22:02] <Mind_Booster> 1
[22:02] <Mind_Booster> go!
<@Raven> yup, it's nightfall here in israel
<@Raven> 00:00
<joatz> lol
<MindRift> good afternoon
<@Raven> the countdown is over
<Jobber-d> why so late?
<DF-Away> Go raven go raven!!!!
<parannoyed> eloo raven!
<@Raven> alright, enough with the show
<@Raven> let's get rolling
<DF-Away> Spiffy
<@Raven> so, are we all ready?
[22:02] *** DF-Away is now known as DigitalFallout
<SteeLe> Just to ask,what is this lecture about?
[22:02] <Mind_Booster> I am
[22:02] * Min_spy is ready
<@Raven> hmm
<@Raven> lemme quote
<@Raven> from the irc page
<DigitalFallout> Pimpin
<@Raven> standard IRC services, and faking your IP in IRC, by R a v e N. Explains the basics and use of chanserv, nickserv, memoserv and some non-standard services, and explains how to fake or hide your IP in IRC.
<@Raven> well that's just the first part!
<@Raven> now, i know, this isn't very elite
<DigitalFallout> Yea that sounds rught
<@Raven> hiding your ip in irc
<@Raven> spoofing
<@Raven> irc services
<@Raven> etc'
<@Raven> just wait for the second part
<DigitalFallout> ú|_╬Tú
<@Raven> when we will reveal...
<@Raven> no, i'm not supposed to tell
<@Raven> mwhahaha
<DigitalFallout> We can keep a secret
[22:03] <Mind_Booster> :/
<joatz> t÷tσ||Ñ ╦|εt╦
<@Raven> ahem
<MindRift> the suspense is killing me
<pr0gmAn> %%%%%%%% go go g0 %%%%%%%%
<joatz> lol
<Jobber-d> damn i cant hold the excitment
<@Raven> you will know when the second part begins
<Min_spy> hey nice pop up pr0gmAn
<Jobber-d> :)
[22:04] <Mind_Booster> ºTσ« THσT ºHεT!
<pr0gmAn> 10x
<pr0gmAn> lets get started
<Jobber-d> yes lets
<DigitalFallout> 10
<DigitalFallout> 9
<DigitalFallout> 8
<DigitalFallout> 7
<DigitalFallout> 6
<DigitalFallout> 5
<DigitalFallout> 4
[22:04] <Mind_Booster> 1
<DigitalFallout> 3
[22:04] <Mind_Booster> 0
<DigitalFallout> 2
<@Raven> owwkay, so... where shall we start?
<@Raven> 17
<@Raven> 0q238957
<DigitalFallout> 1
<@Raven> 038948
<@Raven> 1,000,000
<DigitalFallout> GO!
<@Raven> i hate countdowns
<@Raven> owwkay, so... where shall we start?
<@Raven> irc services?
[22:05] <Mind_Booster> me 2
[22:05] <Mind_Booster> Laughs Out Loud
<Min_spy> yep
<DigitalFallout> SOunds good 2 m3
[22:05] <Mind_Booster> hiding IP
<@Raven> or ip spoofing / hiding?
<DigitalFallout> Hiding then spoofing
[22:05] <Mind_Booster> the last one
<@Raven> alright, vote
<moo> Doe a deer, a female deer
<pr0gmAn> spoofing sounds ok
[22:05] * Min_spy doesnt mind which one we start with
<DigitalFallout> ray a drop of golden sun
[22:05] <Mind_Booster> hiding sounds great
<MindRift> 1 for spoofing
<@Raven> ok, so everyone says spoofing?
<DigitalFallout> SHure
<moo> ya
<parannoyed> yup .. spoof me
<@Raven> ok
<DigitalFallout> Spoofin
<pr0gmAn> %%%%%%%% yep %%%%%%%%
<joatz> yerp
<@Raven> then we shall start with the irc services
<DigitalFallout> BRB going to take a piss and gram a snack!
[23:10] *** DigitalFallout is now known as DF-EATING
<Jobber-d> what is more illegal, a 30 year old smoking pot, or a 15 year old smoking cigarretes
[23:10] * Mind_Booster If you wanna hear some GREAT musik, go to my RaDiO StAtIoN... Use WinAmp, press CTRL+L, and type ... Now it's playing KORN!!!
[23:11] <Mind_Booster> thanks digial
[23:11] <Mind_Booster> thanks digital
<Mikkkeee> nah
<Mikkkeee> its a review
[23:11] <Mind_Booster> what mark?
<Jobber-d> huh?
<Mikkkeee> digital wheres my cigar
<Mikkkeee> i need a smoke how about some canja[
<Mikkkeee> heheh
<Jobber-d> what do you think the second topic will be?
<Mikkkeee> it better be something new
[23:12] <Mind_Booster> dunno
<Mikkkeee> this stuff i know by heart
<Jobber-d> i think its how to find porn faster
<Mikkkeee> i want to learn some new shit
<moo> perhaps cheese?
<Jobber-d> perhaps
<Mikkkeee> i will do a tut for that search engines torn apart
<@Raven> don't get too excited, we'll only begin the second part in ten minutes
<moo> damn, then I need more apple juice
<DF-GOT^MILK> Well we are all still here. Why not start now
<@Raven> uhm... so who was the guy who first found out about the clones thing?
<DF-GOT^MILK> Me I think
[23:15] *** DF-GOT^MILK is now known as DigitalFallout
<@Raven> ohh
<@Raven> ok
[23:15] <Mind_Booster> I WAS
[23:15] <Mind_Booster> I WAS
<@Raven> ohh ok mind
[23:15] <Mind_Booster> I WAS
[23:15] <Mind_Booster> :)
<@Raven> i told u you'll be rewarded...
<@Raven> :-)
<@Raven> Mind_Booster gets...
<DigitalFallout> WHoa
[23:15] <Mind_Booster> Laughs Out Loud
<DigitalFallout> CHiLL
<moo> cheese?
[23:15] <Mind_Booster> a DoS attACK?
<@Raven> his own personal copy of...
<Mikkkeee> Raven start the second part plz
<Jobber-d> PORNO!
<DigitalFallout> Time for a hamburer
<@Raven> no
[23:16] <Mind_Booster> a cigar?
<@Raven> he gets his own personal copy of...
<DigitalFallout> That was going out to moo
<Jobber-d> TELL US!
<@Raven> will you guys just shut up?!
<@Raven> :-)
[23:16] <Mind_Booster> *drums*
<@Raven> of B00tm0n 2.0!!
[23:16] <Mind_Booster> Laughs Out Loud
<@Raven> finally we got rid of the bugs
<DigitalFallout> Sweet
<@Raven> most of them, there are still two or three left
<Jobber-d> hurrah! i think
<Mikkkeee> finally
<@Raven> :-)
[23:16] <Mind_Booster> (what's that?)
<@Raven> you'll get to be the first non-bsrf member who gets to beta-test it
<@Raven> lol
<Jobber-d> raven: what is it?
[23:17] <Mind_Booster> thanks man
<DigitalFallout> I might eventually try to join the #bsrf
<@Raven> sending...
[23:17] * RedShadow gets to write it (even better) :)
[23:17] <Mind_Booster> u'rea god
<@Raven> right, RedShadow did b00tm0n 2.0
<@Raven> :-)
[23:17] <Mind_Booster> i hope there's no backdoors in it
<@Raven> btw i have to talk to u later, there are some modifications i want u to make
[23:17] * Mikkkeee says hail red
<Jobber-d> a.righty
<@Raven> well actually we could talk now
<DigitalFallout> Yea Red made BOK2 built in so he can hack the planet
<RedShadow> Raven : it's nowhere near finished
<@Raven> ok, so first of all, why do people have to click view and then refresh to get the list?
<@Raven> why can't it just load automatically?
<Jobber-d> newbie question: wb stands for welcome back, right?
[23:18] <Mind_Booster> raven, whayt the hell is this for?
<DigitalFallout> Yep
<@Raven> right
[23:18] <Mind_Booster> raven, whayt the hell is this for?
<Jobber-d> thanks
<@Raven> Mind_Booster, huh?
<Min_spy> yep Jobber-d
<RedShadow> Raven : it does now, that was a test to see if I'd fixed the icon bit
<Mikkkeee> man guys iam out
<@Raven> RedShadow, answer my Q
[23:18] <Mind_Booster> this nice proggie
<Mikkkeee> guys start plz
<@Raven> RedShadow, ok
<@Raven> one more modification
<@Raven> in the about box...
<@Raven> i tried clicking the click me text and it...
<@Raven> well, didn't perform correctly
<RedShadow> yeah I know
<Mikkkeee> raven plz start
<@Raven> can't open http://blacksun.box.sk
<Jobber-d> patience
<@Raven> alright, u'll have to fix it later
<RedShadow> it did exactly what I wanted it to do
<@Raven> Mikkkeee, i will
<@Raven> in 5 minutes
<@Raven> :-)
<Mikkkeee> k
<RedShadow> I was just testing the double clik code
[23:19] *** Joins: PiGuS (I@ppp8-2.aquanet.co.il)
<@Raven> hey pigus
<Jobber-d> :Pd:
<PiGuS> hi
<@Raven> 5 minutes till the second part
[23:19] * Mikkkeee says my mom wants to use the phone, i have one lines
<@Raven> alright, i guess u could start throwing guesses at what this will be about
<Jobber-d> i feel your pain
<DigitalFallout> Hey quick question.Does anymone know what port seiti@home opens?
[23:19] * RedShadow says tell ur mum to be less than 5 mins :)
<@Raven> Mikkkeee, it'll be long anyway
<Mikkkeee> thx jabber
<Mikkkeee> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<Mikkkeee> ahhhhhhhhhhh
<@Raven> let her use it now
<Jobber-d> np :) i hav a 33.6
<RedShadow> how to code in c/c++ ?? lol
<@Raven> and ask her to finish quickly
<@Raven> so u could be back in time
<@Raven> :-)
[23:20] * Mikkkeee red that was funny
<Mikkkeee> hehe
<Jobber-d> is it advanced stuff with irc?
<moo> I hoping for cheese, raven
[23:20] [moo PING reply]: 1sec
[23:20] <Mind_Booster> Raven, pleaase answer to the pvt
<@Raven> Jobber-d, nope
<Jobber-d> does it have anything to do with irc?
<DigitalFallout> The suspence is killing me
<@Raven> nope
<Jobber-d> does it have anything to do with advanced?
<@Raven> DigitalFallout, it's spelled suspense
<@Raven> :-)
[23:21] * Mikkkeee mikkkeee has the best question
<DigitalFallout> yea that to
<@Raven> lol
<Jobber-d> hehe
[23:21] * Mikkkeee is it possible to see private chat
<Mikkkeee> with super user status
<@Raven> Mikkkeee, no
<DigitalFallout> So raven what did you do to the chan to keep ppl like me from taking it over agian?
<@Raven> that's why it's called private
<@Raven> ohh, only if you're an irc operator
<DigitalFallout> J/K about the ppl like me part
<Mikkkeee> i knew it
<@Raven> not just an op, i'm talking about an operator for the entire network
<Min_spy> can u use pc to get ips?
<@Raven> DigitalFallout, i used chanserv
<Jobber-d> im not following you
<@Raven> chanserv is very resourceful
<Mikkkeee> some asshole told me to stop saying shit in my priv
<@Raven> and i configured it right to disallow any possible intrusion
<@Raven> i hope...
<Jobber-d> we all hope
<DigitalFallout> We can try agian later if you like :)
[23:22] * Mikkkeee lets hope
<Jobber-d> again
<Jobber-d> not agian :)
<DigitalFallout> I returned controll in a timley manor
[23:23] * Mind_Booster If you wanna hear some GREAT musik, go to my RaDiO StAtIoN... Use WinAmp, press CTRL+L, and type ... Now it's playing Marilyn Manson!!!
<Mikkkeee> so what is the second part about?
<Mikkkeee> how to hack hotmale accounts,heheheheh
<Min_spy> so u ne good at resolving ip on a spoofed server DigitalFallout
<Mikkkeee> lol
<Jobber-d> done already :)
<DigitalFallout> Checkin this radio station
[23:24] * Jobber-d is twiddling his thumbs
<Mikkkeee> Raven 5 min are up bud
[23:24] * Mikkkeee is waiting
<DigitalFallout> Make love nor peace
[23:24] * Mikkkeee is waiting
<DigitalFallout> make love not peace
<Jobber-d> doesnt love=peace?
<Mikkkeee> yo digital hows that station
<Mikkkeee> ?
<DigitalFallout> Not bad. I am not getting to much lag
<Min_spy> nah love = shag Jobber-d ;-)
[23:25] <Mind_Booster> digital, u're in my radiostation?
<Jobber-d> hehe
<DigitalFallout> Jobber, I don't think you got the joke
<DigitalFallout> YEp I am tuned in
[23:25] <Mind_Booster> want some music?
[23:25] <Mind_Booster> I'll play it for you...
<Mikkkeee> is it any good
[23:26] <Mind_Booster> if you don't want Marilyn Manson
<Mikkkeee> ?
<DigitalFallout> Shure, metallica
[23:26] <Mind_Booster> sure
[23:26] * Mikkkeee is waiting
[23:26] * Mikkkeee is waiting
[23:26] <Mind_Booster> on it's way
<DigitalFallout> gotcha
<@Raven> okay, we're back!
<DigitalFallout> Pimpin
<Mikkkeee> finally
<Jobber-d> hurrah
<Mikkkeee> :)
<@Raven> :-)
<Min_spy> OO GOODY ;-)
<@Raven> let the second part begin!
<Mikkkeee> k
<@Raven> alright, so the second part is a game
<@Raven> not just a game
<DigitalFallout> amd tje mistory subject is?
<@Raven> a WARgame!
<@Raven> pheer
[23:27] <Mind_Booster> Metallica is playing
<@Raven> :-)
<Min_spy> bloody script ;-)
<@Raven> hitman.hits.net.au
<@Raven> port 23
<@Raven> username: inferior
<@Raven> password: inferior
<@Raven> find out what you have to do
<@Raven> GO!
<DigitalFallout> Do we need to bouce ir is it a REAL wargame?
<@Mr_Hint> ok anyone, those who havn't figured it out yet, you can find his home directory by either viewing the $SUPERIOR environment variable by typing echo $SUPERIOR or looking at /etc/passwd, which is world-readable
[23:39] [Mr_Hint PING reply]: 2secs
<@Mr_Hint> hey eci
<@Mr_Hint> so now, try listing the contents of superior's home directory
<eci> uhm
<@Mr_Hint> ./suid /home/b
<@Mr_Hint> what do u see?
<eci> heh
<@Mr_Hint> eci, we're playing a little game here
[23:40] <Mind_Booster> fuck
<@Mr_Hint> too bad u showed up late
[23:40] <Mind_Booster> slow down
<@Mr_Hint> :-(
<@Mr_Hint> ohh yeah, the server gets a bit slow
<@Mr_Hint> just run ./suid /home/b
[23:41] <Mind_Booster> connection falled
<eci> haha
<eci> is it a unix game?
[23:41] <Mind_Booster> bash: ./suid: No such file or directory
<@Mr_Hint> eci, it's a small wargame/mindgame i've set up
<Jobber-d> it gives desktop bla and passwd
<@Mr_Hint> Mind_Booster, it's in /home/a
<eci> heh
<@Mr_Hint> go to /home/a, inferior's home directory
<@Mr_Hint> and run the suid program
<eci> ./suid is when suid is in `pwd`
<@Mr_Hint> Jobber-d, you've just displayed the contents of superior's home directory
[23:48] <Mind_Booster> and how can we access to suid programs?
<SteeLe> yea I know,I was here earlier but had to go
<@Mr_Hint> u can have the logs later
<@Mr_Hint> Mind_Booster, whenever u start this program, it is executed with superior's permissions instead of with inferior's permissions
[23:49] <Mind_Booster> like,... it's supposed that only rood have access to this!
<eci> raven; dont make people use suid as its not posix and os-specific. chmod does it all..
<@Mr_Hint> that's why it can view /home/b
<@Mr_Hint> but can't view /home/a
<@Mr_Hint> eci, i'm talking about a program that resides in their home directory and is called suid
<@Mr_Hint> it's the program we're "exploiting"
<@Mr_Hint> :-)
<@Mr_Hint> i never use suid, only mode +s
<eci> shell script or a c program?
<@Mr_Hint> c
<eci> i never use +s, i use 4000 =)
<@Mr_Hint> the source is not availalbe
[23:50] <Mind_Booster> chmod 777 is better
<@Mr_Hint> lol, u know what i mean
<eci> yeh ;p
<eci> mind_booster heh =)
[23:51] <Mind_Booster> i just don't understand why can this program access like it was root
<@Mr_Hint> ok, so in other words, the suid program executes ls /home/b with superior's permissions
<@Mr_Hint> now, what can be done here?
<@Mr_Hint> Mind_Booster, first of all it's not suid root
<@Mr_Hint> it's suid superior
<@Mr_Hint> now, i'll explain
<@Mr_Hint> a certain user can do set-uid on a program that he owns
<@Mr_Hint> so whenever it is executed
<@Mr_Hint> it is executed with his permissions
<@Mr_Hint> no matter who runs it
<@Mr_Hint> this can be used for several purposes
<@Mr_Hint> anyway, this program was suid'ed by superior
<@Mr_Hint> we've done this earlier
[23:52] <Mind_Booster> ok
<@Mr_Hint> now, let's put this aside for a second and try running a little command here?
<@Mr_Hint> now, let's put this aside for a second and try running a little command here:
[23:52] <Mind_Booster> wher's this program to donwload?
<@Mr_Hint> echo 1 ; echo 2
<@Mr_Hint> Mind_Booster, what program?
<@Mr_Hint> everyone try typing echo 1 ; echo 2
[23:53] <Mind_Booster> suid
[23:53] [Mr_Hint PING reply]: 1sec
<Jobber-d> well i give up
<@Mr_Hint> Mind_Booster, i was talking about the program that's in your homedir all this time
[23:53] <Mind_Booster> echo jist writes, right?
<@Mr_Hint> it is called suid as a hint
<@Mr_Hint> yes, but watch the ; part
<@Mr_Hint> echo 1 ; echo 2
<@Mr_Hint> what happens?
<@Mr_Hint> it executes echo 1 and then executes echo 2
[23:53] <Mind_Booster> i konw... but I want this program to myself!
<@Mr_Hint> Mind_Booster, why would u want a program that lists the contents of a directory with some user's permissions, which doesn't even exist on other systems?
<@Mr_Hint> so basically, we could do this:
<Jobber-d> not that im impatient or anything of the sort, but hwo much longer do you think this will last?
<@Mr_Hint> everyone try running [inferior@hitman a]$ ./suid "/home/b ; cat /home/b/passwd", the first one who manages to find out what has happened here is crowned as prime clown of the court